Choose a job ad / job package that corresponds with Your needs
Job ad / package offer
- 1 job ad
- 30 days publication
- Employer profile
- Social Media promotion
Standard + Promo
- 1 job ad
- 30 days publication
- Employer profile
- Social Media promotion
- Featured listing
- Promo on first page
Price per job ad when buying a package of 10 job ads
- 10 job ads
- 30 days publication
- Employer profile
- Social Media promotion
- Featured listing
- Promo on first page
- Direct Search Mailing
- Account Manager
- Sponsored Blog
How can we help You to reach those candidates You need to find? offers unique opportunities to reach highly skilled specialists in the field of embedded systems, electronics, IoT, robotics, and automation. Here are a few key services that we can provide:
Job Posting: Employers can easily and effectively post their job offers on Our platform gathers specialists interested in these specific technological areas, increasing the chances of finding the ideal candidate. Our job posting interface is user-friendly and allows for adding detailed requirements, enabling a focus on finding the best-matched talents.
Direct Search Mailing: We also offer a direct search mailing service, which involves actively searching and selecting candidates from our database as well as from social media platforms who meet specific criteria. This allows employers to access candidates who may not be actively seeking employment but possess the required skills and experience. It’s an ideal solution for employers looking for candidates with specialized skills.
Recruitment Consultancy: Our team of experienced recruitment specialists provides recruitment consultancy services to assist employers in the hiring process. Our consultancy includes analyzing recruitment strategies, creating job descriptions, candidate selection, and support throughout the entire recruitment process. We act as a partner, helping employers find the best candidates for their organization.
Employer Branding: allows employers to build their employer brand through a company profile on our website. You can showcase your company, values, organizational culture, and unique features that attract suitable candidates. Promoting your employer brand can attract exceptional specialists and build trust in your organization. aims to support employers in finding the best candidates in the field of embedded systems, electronics, IoT, robotics, and automation. Our services are designed to provide you with effective recruitment tools and enable you to build a strong and efficient team.